GTW OFFICIAL is an integrated bot that separates you from the rest of the bots and everything you need is in it.

Invite Bot Support Server


Easy to Use

User friendly and used with slash command .

24/7 Online

Fully optimesd bot no lag issue and no delay in run command.

Codes USed

node js is used to make this bot..



Frequently Asked Qusetions

There are no applications to become a Helper, Moderator, Admin, or other staff role. To become a Helper, which is our base staff role, people are nominated by a staff member and are later put up to a vote by Moderators, Admins, and Owners. If the candidate received enough votes unanimously, then we offer them the Helper role. This whole process takes place in channels only viewable to staff members. Being a Helper is not only about helping people with Python questions or helping with our projects, but is also about demonstrating an understanding of our community's culture. To read more about what we look for in a Helper and to read about our internal staff roles (Moderators, Leads, Core Developer, Admin)
No you cant't invite our bot but in future you may find our bot publicly.
Curently you cant login the dashboard.